Where To Place a Jade Plant in Home? (Explained)


Crassula ovata, or Jade plant, is the favorite plant of all plant lovers. This succulent is the cutest of all the houseplants with dark green, round leaves. It doesn’t like much attention and can thrive with minimal care. 

Jade plants hold great importance for the firm believer in Feng Shui. Also, it is symbolic of good luck, prosperity, and fortune. So, where to place this lucky plant in your home? If you want a neatly organized home and a happier plant, you can place it in the following places:

You can place the Jade plant at your entrance gate or in your drawing room, or dining room, hang it in a corner, etc. According to Feng Shui practices, keeping the Jade plants in different directions benefits you differently. For example, for good health, you must consider keeping this succulent in the east corner of your property.


This article focuses on the different preferred locations for a Jade plant from different perspectives:

Entrance to your home

According to Chinese tradition, this plant brings money and luck. Therefore, keeping it at the entrance of your house seems a perfect spot. As per Feng Shui, an eastern or southeast location is best to attract family harmony, good health, and success.

Use a Jade plant as a focal point.

Place your Jade plant in a place where it can be a focal point. The pretty green leaves and unique shape of the plant make it an attractive addition to any room. This succulent plant is very easy to care for and will bring a lot of life into any space.

If you are looking for other ways to use your Jade plant, consider using it as a bonsai tree! This type of garden art can be very difficult to grow properly, but when done right, they look amazing.

Jade plants are great for bonsai.

Bonsai, or the art of growing plants in a small pot, is a Japanese tradition that’s been around for centuries. Keeping bonsai alive and healthy can be difficult because they need to be watered and pruned regularly. 

However, Jade plants are perfect for bonsai because they’re easy to care for and thrive as long as you provide proper lighting, water, fertilizer, and air circulation.

You can hang a Jade plant in the home.

You can easily hang this succulent in the home because they are easy to care for and thrive in almost any environment. You can place them on the windowsill, table, or floor. 

If you have a large enough space, place it in the corner of a room with ample light but not too much sunlight. Be sure that your Jade plant gets at least four hours of sunlight each day (more if possible). This will ensure that your plant stays healthy and green over time.

There are many locations where a Jade plant will thrive in the home and many different types of Jade plants to choose from.

  • A Maculata (also known as baby’s tears) is ideal for hanging baskets or small containers. It grows slowly and has thin stems that don’t need support. It also has small leaves with an overall appearance resembling tiny green tears falling from the ceiling, hence its common name “baby’s tears.”
  • A graham is another type of succulent called an “oval Jade” because its wide shape resembles other plants commonly found on tabletops, like African violets or peace lilies. 
  • It has thick fleshy leaves that form a rosette shape around one central point on top; this helps protect against pests like spider mites. While still allowing enough light into the center, the plant can continue to grow new branches full of flowers throughout the springtime months.

Jade plant in indoors or outdoor spaces?

It is a versatile plant and can thrive in indoor and outdoor spaces. Their thick branches and shiny, thick leaves are easy to take care of. However, that doesn’t mean it needs no care at all! They have their specific requirements; if not met, the plant can’t survive. Here we have a curated list of Jade plant requirements:

1. Full sun

The Jade plant requires full sun for healthy growth. If you have kept your Jade plant indoors, it’s recommended to expose it to the sun at least once a week.

2. Appropriate watering 

Though they can survive irregular watering, overwatering and underwatering can cause root rot and fungal infection.

3. Good quality soil 

Soil is a prerequisite for all plants. However, succulents like Jade plants need a special type of soil if you want them to thrive. They don’t like compact soil because it retains too much moisture, and the Jade plant starts rotting in excess water. 

The ideal soil for succulents is the one that offers adequate aeration and drainage. And the cherry on the cake would be the grittiness of the soil. Gritty soil accelerates water drainage, allowing your Jade plant to breathe.

4. Right container 

Ensure to keep your Jade plant in the right container that permits the water to drain out. For this, the pot should have a good amount of drainage holes. Gritty soil is purposeless if the pot doesn’t have holes or has fewer holes. Such a pot will cause waterlogging leading to root rot. Eventually, the whole plant will die soon.

Jade plant As an indoor plant

Jade plants are succulent plants, which means they store water in their leaves and stems. They’re also slow-growing, low-maintenance, and require little sunlight to thrive.

As an indoor plant, the Jade plant needs a lot of light (but not direct sunlight) and little watering. The soil should be allowed to dry out before you water it again so that the roots don’t rot from over-watering. 

When it comes time to water your Jade plant, make sure you don’t overwater it by giving it just enough so that its leaves are not wilted but still look healthy and shiny.”

Places to avoid keeping the Jade plant at home

Jade plants need a lot of sunlight to flourish, but you can’t put them in your bedroom. The room isn’t suitable for this species because it is too hot and humid. In addition to that, Jade plants can be toxic and poisonous, so you have to keep them away from children or pets.

If you want to grow one in your home, keep the Jade houseplant on a windowsill where it will receive direct sunlight throughout the day.

In the west corner of the house

The Jade plant should be kept where it receives plenty of sunlight. It cannot grow well if not exposed to enough light. If you have a south-facing window or a glass door that faces south, this is the perfect spot for your Jade plant. 

Try to keep your Jade plant away from west-facing windows or doors because they are associated with the setting sun, which can cause its growth to slow down or even stop altogether if left there for too long.

North-eastern part

The Jade plant is a tropical plant, and it needs a lot of sunlight. It should not be kept in the north-eastern part of the house because it receives less sun. It should be kept in a place where it receives direct sunlight.

It is better to keep your Jade plant near windows to enjoy seeing them every day. You can also place them on shelves or tables located close to windows so that they receive enough light throughout the day.

Jade plants should be kept in the south direction of the house.

You should keep the Jade plant in a south-facing window or any other place that receives bright indirect sunlight. This is because the Jade plant thrives in warm, humid conditions, but it can adapt to cooler temperatures if you keep it near a heater or air conditioner.

If you have multiple plants and they’re giving off too much moisture, they may need to be placed on pebble trays (which are used to catch excess water) so that the excess water doesn’t damage your floors or furniture.

Frankly, you can keep your Jade plant at any house location as long as you provide it with optimum conditions to survive. However, if you believe in Feng Shui, keeping the Jade plants in specific locations is definitely good. After all, there is no loss placing it at any spot; maybe it actually brings good luck.

Happy Gardening! 

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