How long can Orchids live? (Answered)
Orchids can live up to 100 years. With proper care and permitting conditions, orchids can live a lengthy and fulfilled life. For example, the average orchid can live up to 20 years!
The following will be a guide detailing basic information on orchids, what your orchids need to thrive, and what to do if your orchids are being hindered by external factors:

How long does the average Orchid live?
Although Orchids can live up to 100 years, the average Orchid lives up to 20 years. In some cases, orchids can only live 2 to 3 months inside of the average home. This life span was determined as a result of many plant owners mistakenly neglecting or overestimating the plant’s needs.
How do I ensure my Orchids thrive?
Orchids need to be in warm and brightly lit spots in order to grow in general. This is the bare minimum when taking care of these plants. If you can place them in a stable area, preferably near a window facing the sun, that would be ideal.
Orchids need a certain amount of sunlight to grow. It is recommended that orchids receive twelve to sixteen hours of indirect sunlight every day.
You should water your orchids every 7 to 10 days. This is because the soil mixture can get dry over time assuming your flowers are not outside in generously raining weather conditions. However, be sure to not water your flower too much as overwatering can result in fungus, infestations, and more. Suffocating the plant’s roots with water is not a good idea.
When it comes to fertilizing and maintaining nutrients for your Orchids, it is important to fertilize your Orchid plant once every two weeks. This is only advised if the blossoms have drooped or fallen already, or if it is the blooming season.
Throughout those months where your Orchid is not in full bloom, like in winter, you should still be fertilizing your orchid as if it were bloomed because regardless of its exterior it is still living and in need of care.
What seasons do Orchids bloom in?
Orchids tend to rebloom in the summer months. They stand proud and beautifully up until early to the winter seasons. This is when the blooming season ends and they take a break until spring and summer come around again.
What kind of soil do I need to buy for my Orchids?
There are a plethora of orchid soil mix options that should suit your Orchid’s needs perfectly. Consider what type of orchid it is that you own or are going to be planting because they will have different requirements.
Furthermore, Orchids cannot grow in regular potting soil. You can buy the appropriate soil mixes based on what is on the back of the purchased flower or flower packet, both online and in agricultural stores.
Why aren’t my Orchids growing?
Your orchids might be having trouble growing as a result of an insufficient amount of light. Light is one of the highest determining factors when Orchids are trying to grow and flourish. They might also be struggling to grow because you are not watering them often enough.
If there is too much humidity within the flower’s environment, this can stunt its growth drastically. Lastly, planting and replanting any plant, especially delicate flowers, can result in an inability to grow due to a lack of stability. All of these events and more can result in your orchid being stunted.
You can get your orchids to grow faster by keeping a good eye on the spikes. Maintenance in regards to the spikes of your orchids will improve the growth as well as the appearance of your flower. You can also encourage the spikes by flooding a reasonable amount of cold air towards them.
What are some signs that my Orchid is dying?
Your orchids might be dying if you notice that the leaves are turning brown or yellow. The stems and petals of the flower might be drooping, leaning to a side in a stiff manner. Lastly, If the petals are falling in general prior to the end of blooming season, it is also likely your plant is dying.
It should be known that dropping of petals and blooms during non-blooming seasons are not an indication of death. This is a natural phase in your Orchid’s cycle, and you can expect new blooms once-blooming season comes around.
Why are my orchids dying?
Your orchids might be dying as a result of the following:
- You are overwatering your orchids
- You are not watering them enough, and so, they are drying out
- There is too much humidity within your Orchid’s environment
- There are insects munching away at your flowers
- You have been planting and replanting your orchid, and they have not been given a chance to grow in a stable position
Evidently, too much and too little, in any plant case, can have a very negative impact on your orchids. You might also want to consider whether or not your Orchid is getting enough light! An insufficient amount of light hinders growth and eventually results in your plant passing on. Photosynthesis is a determining factor in consideration of your Orchid’s potential.
Insects are eating my orchids:
If bugs are eating your flowers, here is are some steps to take in order to get rid of those pests we found online:
- Get a cotton swab
- Put the cotton swab into 70% rubbing alcohol
- Place this throughout where you see the insects, their dingy mucus, and the places you see that they have evidently been chewing at
There are many other methods that you can use in order to get rid of and/or repel insects from damaging your plants. This is one method that will not hurt your plant and surely teach those insects not to bug your orchid!